Toronto Skyline

Toronto Skyline
My new home!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Toronto Police Mounted Unit

This is what I am used to seeing in DC- The US Park Police on horseback in front of the White House.

 This is what patrols my neighborhood in Toronto- literally, cops on horseback!

 Really?! This police officer galloped after this taxi and is giving him a ticket from his horse!

“To protect and serve”

I wasn’t an American coming to Canada thinking there were Mounties patrolling the streets (I know, groan with the stereotypes!). However, I didn’t expect to see cops on horseback in my neighborhood! I have only been privy to seeing the US Park Police in Washington, DC (where they seem more ceremonial or for crowd control). When I first came to Toronto, I was quite surprised to see cops on horseback patrolling the streets and hearing stories of them galloping after (and pulling over) motor vehicles! I couldn’t even imagine such a thing- I had to see it!

One day, I witnessed such an instance where a mounted police officer pulled over a taxi (right in front of my building). I couldn’t resist an opportunity to take a quick picture of this event, so I have included it above. I was astonished to see a cop galloping behind the taxi and writing a ticket from the horse. I mean, the taxi driver had to step outside of his own vehicle to stand by the horse awaiting his ticket! I do see police patrol cars as well, but when I see the mounted police unit around town- I just can’t help but stop and stare!

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