Toronto Skyline

Toronto Skyline
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Civil Wars

 The Civil Wars

 John Paul White & Joy Williams @ The Phoenix in T.O!

"Music" Treat!

What a fantastic night! I finally got to see The Civil Wars live in concert here in Toronto at the Phoenix Concert Theatre. The venue was a perfect space to embrace the unique sound this duo creates. If you don’t know who they are yet- you must check them out!

John Paul White and Joy Williams are a perfect blend of light-hearted banter with strong vocal range as they performed a repertoire from their debut album Barton Hallow. They even managed to slip in some cover songs (from artists such as Michael Jackson and Smashing Pumpkins) that are so cleverly crafted it really becomes their own unique mix and sound. They even performed a fantastic new song called “Oh Henry” (in which she commented it was not named after the famous Canadian candy bar)! Their vocal harmony is so unique and blended so well you can’t help but appreciate how masterful these two are when they sing together!

A quality that was so endearing and genuine from these two was the fact it seemed they couldn’t believe people would come out to see them. It made everyone in the audience cheer and smile when Joy would say to the audience, “Wow. Are you all STILL here?” and when she would clap toward the audience (after a song) just because we were cheering for them! It was great!

The quick wit of John Paul White was also a wonderful quality as he played off the audience and Joy Williams so well. He reminded me of my brother (who actually got me into this band) with his sense of humor and quick wit that made everyone instantly love him. John Paul showed off his French when he introduced their song, "C’est la Mort" to which many in the audience giggled at his pronunciation with that southern drawl. Meanwhile, Joy Williams chimed in and started speaking fluent French to much delight of the audience. Throughout the set John Paul White would randomly interject and say "LA MORT" which he got instant laughter and cheers from the crowd.  Everyone loved these two!

If you get a change to see The Civil Wars in concert I highly recommend it. I have a feeling that these small venues may dwindle as their popularity continues to skyrocket! What a great show!

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