Toronto Skyline

Toronto Skyline
My new home!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting Caught in Stormy Weather!

 Is it getting dark? Is there a storm coming?

 Umm.... I think the sky is telling us something. What is with this weather?!

Everybody on the beach better run inside! Thunder & Lightening! Look at that cloud!

Where did that storm come from?

This past weekend while celebrating Canada Day in Grand Bend Ontario, there was ample time to sit and relax on the beach. I have mentioned in previous postings that there are some crazy storms that suddenly appear coming off the great lakes. However, one of these thunderstorms came in while we were on the beach and it was definitely a site to see!

After a day of sun, swimming and bocce ball- the sky suddenly turned dark. In a matter of minutes the waves were cresting and the wind kicked into high gear! After scrambling to gather all beach towels, chairs and bags- the sky was turning black. Running with all these materials toward the house for cover was a bit frightening but also quite exhilarating! The pictures above show our group running toward the house just trying to beat the dark cloud engulfing the area. When they say that the storms roll in quickly- they really mean it! Good thing we missed the heavy rain, wind, lightening and thunder that started as soon as soon as we stepped inside! Whew! Can you believe it?!

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